Billy mays died on a comercial

so i was watching family guy and it went to comercials and i was all like fuck!!!.
a billy mays comercial was on strangley i thought he retired. he was taking a shit on his wifes face and he said oh...where filming. he said hi its billy mays here and. he then fell down the steps. it then showed him again and said today this gay product called the shamwow is shit.
how is the comercial not taken down from harrasment. it then showed billy mays walking pass the shamwow guy but he was dead with a gun shot in his head while billy mays was talking shit about his cleaning product. it then showed a close up of the product. and it showed a peice a paper with the words written wow. on it and billy mays said wow. and then billy mays was talking shit again and he laid a gold egg. billy mays was then cleaning his car with shit while he was talking shit.
the car then exploded for some reason. and it showed billy mays dead on the ground with shit in his hand. and then skeletons started dancing and captons said 2spooky4me.
it then went back to the show...
(billy mays acctually is dead)